Wake up early in the morning purposely
go play futsal..wei hao(tiger's cousin)jio me go play 1...
take a short ride with bicycle
a lot of people today morning..suprise
thn meet up with wei hao and other SP plus Sin Min senior
and Former Youngster Teammate!Ah sheng and Chicken!
fuyoh long time no c them ad...
quite well today..score 7 goals...but sum goals are lucky one....XD
assist by ah sheng..haha..we play very well just like we play in youngster chienese youth cup...
p/s:Ah sheng din study in Utar,he cum here to find girl oni = =
overall performance?hmm..i give myself 80..must improve summore
anyway i enjoy in the morning....
i will cont today story with another topic,...LAter nite
C what will happen today afternoon...
i bolo my futsalball to tat indian guys,he promise me will return my ball while they finish their game
nw....11.30pm ad....din return kuk..look like he broke the promise...
ermm...i team up with him b4,i think got above 3 time ad,he always ''bro,bro,bro.....''
sounds like frenly,but
let c what will happen in this afternoon...