AnDrey ArsHavin
the Arsenal assasin player...Ace killer of top three FC in EPL..he almost score all the goal againts Mu,Chelsea n liverpool.he is an aggreasive player i have seen b4 accept CR9 in the primere league who can ddddddddbrible along the field,past all the defender,slpash inside penalty box....all he has is his unique skill and talent...
arsha 's special ability,i think,his long-range shooting veli impressing me,u can feel the strenght near the tv b4 he is startin to put on his leg on ball and aim for the dead angle then shoot....
shorty,tat i call him , he is fast,plenty of skill,good shooting and strong tis lead him "wan sek"in EPL
Woler Wing wizard


both of them play in Woles as winger..jarvis is on left(if nt mistaken)and kightlycan play the both...
ermm..veli suprise,both of they have amazing dribble speed and accurate crossing ability...altought they are young but they are talented ..^^
i think,kightly is the one who causes the brazilian youngster defender (Fabio)of MU having a bad moment in carling cup 3rd round..he is eating red card cuz he coud'nt stop kightly after kightly casting fastet speed dribble over Fabio!
really nowadays football, speed is more important than skill d.....haiz.....T.T